Gabe loves this cat hideaway.
We couldn't get him to leave it after the party was over.
Date: 08/05/2005
Views: 1115
Gabe checkin out his cat hidy hole
Date: 08/05/2005
Views: 1063
Gabe muggin up for the camera.
Date: 08/05/2005
Views: 1095
Keep eating that cake, Gabriel and you will be as big as your 2lb. brother Gage!
Date: 08/05/2005
Views: 1092
Chase at Daddy Gage's and Uncle Gabe's party.
Date: 08/05/2005
Views: 1118
Daddy Gage's son , Chase, muggin it for the camera like his Dad!
Date: 08/05/2005
Views: 1364